
dnEditor – Opensource .NET decompiler using dnlib

Thought I’d share another neat project with you today created by ViRb3 which you can find at: dnEditor on GitHub.

It’s a .NET decompiler in it’s early stages of development which uses dnlib by 0xd4d as the engine to load assemblies. This means it’ll load pretty much every .NET assembly, obfuscated or not, without any issues. It has support for IL->C# decompilation using ILSpy as a base. It has a simple but user-friendly interface similar to ILSpy and Reflector:

dnEditor user interface

If you have used Reflexil before you’ll find a familiar interface in the instruction editor in dnEditor:

Instruction editor in dnEditor

Another cool feature is the color-coded IL blocks and instructions similar to SimpleAssemblyExplorer:

IL blocks

You should keep your eyes on this project as it’s being actively developed and I might even take a shot at contributing some to it myself in the future.

Make sure you check out ViRb3’s profile on GitHub: ViRb3 GitHub profile 

RTN-Team forum

If you’re interested in the work I do on this blog, and have a general interest in programming and/or reverse engineering you should check out a forum I’m a part of over at RTN-Team forum. It focuses on questions/help/releases related to reverse engineering but there a lot of experienced coders available to help out too.

It’s a small community right now and we want to keep it rather small, but with high quality content and members. Quality over quantity, you know. So please consider going over there and signup and hopefully join the community.

Once again the link is:

There is some more content coming to the blog as well soon, so stay tuned for that. 🙂